Legal Disclosure Information in accordance with Section 5 TMG
Galapagos Shark Diving®, S.A.
Tax ID: 155699854-2-2020B4
Costa del Este, Prime Time Towers, piso 20-21
Panama City, Republica de Panama
128 Adolf Hanny y Av Seymour, El Eden, 200350 Puerto Ayora,
Santa Cruz, Galapagos, Ecuador
WhatsApp: +593 98 185 2631
Phone: +1 201 4488 192
Internet address:
Faceboook & Instagram: @galapagossharkdiving
Twitter: @Galapagossharks
Deposit Required Upon Reservation: 30% of regular rate
Final Payment / Balance Due: 120 days prior departure
Payment in different currencies (EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, NZD) are possible. The currency exchange rate used is based on the rate on the day of exchange (day when money is received) provided by our bank (including exchange fees).
364 to 120 days before departure: the ship will keep 30% of regular rate
119 to 0 days before departure: the ship will keep 100% of regular rate (Unless the space is filled by another person, at which time we would refund the amount paid by the replacement)
Refund will be paid in USD. If another currency (EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, NZD) is preferred, the currency exchange rate will be provided by our bank (including exchange
fees) at the day of refund payment.
If you have further questions please feel free to contact us here.
If you should have any questions about legal Disclosure or recommendation please feel free to contact us over our contact form.
Thank you very much
Galapagos Shark Diving