Galaxy Galapagos Itinerary

Galapagos Shark Diving - 8 day Itinerary of the Galaxy Diver II


Morning: Santa Cruz - Baltra Airport

Afternoon: Santa Cruz - Baltra Northeast (check dive)


Morning: Santa Cruz Island - Carrion Point 

Afternoon: Navigation to Wolf Island


Morning: Wolf Island - Shark Bay / La Banana 

Afternoon: Wolf Island - La Ventana Islet / El Derrumbe


Morning: Darwin Island - El Arenal

Afternoon: Darwin Island - The Darwin's Arch


Morning: Darwin Island - El Arenal

Afternoon: Wolf Island - El Derrumbe / Shark Bay


Morning: Fernandina Island - Douglas Cape

Afternoon: Isabela Island - Vicente Roca Point


Morning: Santiago Island - Cousin Rock

Afternoon: Santa Cruz - Highlands & Giant Tortoises


Morning: Baltra Airport depart or continue with land extension

Galapagos Shark Diving - School of cordinal fish surrounding a parrat fish.

Day 1 - WEDNESDAY: Baltra Northeast - Arrival  & Check Dive

AM - Baltra Northeast

Guests fly to the Galapagos Islands from mainland Ecuador, arriving in the late morning. The shark scientist and yacht dive master/naturalist guide will be waiting at the airport on Baltra Island. Once the group has collected their luggage and cleared the National Park immigrations we will  board the Yacht which will be anchored in the port 10 minutes travel by bus. After everyone has settled in their cabins the guides will give a briefing on ship life, national park rules and diving safety, whilst the galley crew prepare the dining room for a delicious buffet lunch.


PM - Baltra Northeast (Check dive, equipment and weights)

After a briefing on the dive platform all equipment should be set up in readiness for the test dive. This will be at a nearby anchorage in calm shallow waters. Maximum depth of 12m. Although plentiful fish and usually sea lions and other species are to be seen, the objective is to check  weight and equipment for the following days.


Galapagos Shark Diving - Sea lion at surface

Day 2 - THURSDAY: Carrion Point & Navigation to Wolf Island

AM - Carrion Point

Our first dive of the day takes place at Carrion Point, a spectacular dive site off Santa Cruz Island. Keep an eye out for playful sea lions, turtles, rays, and schools of colorful reef fish. If you're lucky, you might spot hammerhead sharks and white-tip reef sharks.


PM - Navigation to Wolf Island

After lunch, we’ll set sail for Wolf Island, one of the most renowned dive sites in the world. Relax onboard as we navigate toward the remote northern islands, preparing for the adventures ahead. 


Galapagos Shark Diving - Huge Hammerhead shark school in the Galapagos Islands

Day 3 - FRIDAY: Wolf Island 

AM & PM - Wolf Island

The powerful marine currents around Wolf are part of the reason we see so many sharks. Schooling hammerheads, Galapagos sharks, Black tip and Silky sharks are the usual protagonists. Dolphins are often present as we end our dives with a drift in the blue. Two turtle species, the Green and Hawksbill are frequently sighted along the rocky walls and slopes of this island. Eagle rays and large schools of fish, snappers, grouper and jacks patrol the drop-off. 


The island is home to vast numbers of sea birds, Red footed and Nazca Boobies, frigate birds, the endemic Swallow – tailed gull and the elegant Red – billed tropicbird. The vampire finches and doves are often spotted hoping amongst the rocks. 


Galapagos Shark Diving - Diver taking ID photos from a shark in the Galapagos Islands

Day 4 - SATURDAY: Darwin Island 

AM & PM - Darwin Island

Today, we’ll dive at Darwin's Arch, one of the world’s best dive sites. We drop on to a rocky ledge and from a protected position watch the marine life swim by. Hammerhead and Galapagos sharks, Black tips and Silkies. Marine turtles abound and Bottlenose dolphins often pass by overhead. Huge schools of fish, tuna, jacks and Creole fish swim in the blue whilst dozens of other species inhabit the coral covered platform and ledges. 

Galapagos Shark Diving - divers diving with huge adult whale shark in Galapagos

Day 5 - SUNDAY: Darwin's Arch & Wolf Island 

AM - Darwin Island

This is also the realm of the biggest shark of them all, the Whale shark. Frequenting the Islands between June – December over 95% of all sightings occur here at the Arch. Of these a staggering 99% are female and in an apparent state of advanced pregnancy. Is it a place where whale sharks give births? Why they come to this rocky volcanic outcrop remains a mystery and one that the Galapagos Whale Shark Project team is trying to solve. 


Galapagos Shark Diving - hammerhead sharks at the surface

PM - Wolf Island

The dives may take us to the swim through arches and along the spectacular walls and cave entrances. Again the local conditions will decide which are the best options dependent on current and swell. More time to observe the sharks and marine megafauna or study the massive diversity of life that inhabits the large coral heads and boulder slopes. Towards evening we set sail for the north of Isabela Island, once again sailing overnight.

Day 6 - MONDAY: Cape Douglas & Punte Vicente Roca

AM - Cape Douglas

This morning we will dive at Cape Douglas, Fernandina Island. Showcased by many documentaries including BBC’s Blue Planet I & II, this is where marine iguanas are to be found feeding in the shallow bays between 5-10m. These graceful creatures spend time basking in the sun to warm up before diving into the sea for about 20 minutes to feed. Watching them glide through the water is a truly unforgettable experience.

Marine iguana feeding under water in Cape Douglas on the Galapagos Islands

The cold ocean upwelling from the Cromwell current brings a myriad of life to an apparently stark volcanic shore. A unique experience that can only be had in the Galapagos we also find the endemic flightless cormorant and Galapagos penguins feeding here. 


PM - Punta Vicente Roca

After sailing across the Bolivar channel to Isabela Island we will dive at Punta Vicente Roca. Best known for the frequent sightings of Mola alexandrini, the southern ocean sunfish. The Molas approach the wall to visit the cleaning stations where wrasses and angelfish await. Sea lions and Galapagos fur seals abound and often follow divers playing with bubbles and darting in and out of schools of sardine sized Brown striped Salemas. 

Sunfish swimming by in Punte Vicente Roca, Galapagos

The wall is one of the most diverse of all Galapagos for marine invertebrates and is one of the favourite sites for macro photography. Brightly coloured blennies, Long nose coral hawkfish, frogfish and sea horses can be found amongst the solitary corals, anemones, tunicates and sponges. Green sea turtles are present all year and whales are often spotted in these waters.

Day 7 - TUESDAY: Cousin's Rock & Santa Cruz Highlands

AM - Cousin's Rock

In Cousin's Rock we often find playful sea lions, Eagle rays, Golden rays and sometimes Mobula and Giant Pacific manta rays. The underwater topography provides refuge for sleeping turtles and white tip sharks whilst the steep walls are covered by marine invertebrates. 

Green Sea Turtle resting between the ledges of Cousin's Rock rock formations © Galapagos Shark Diving

Two species of black coral, sponges and colonial tunicates are a colourful backdrop for the abundant fish that frequent this emergent volcanic cone. The currents often found here attract some of the larger shark species such as hammerheads and black tip sharks.  Amongst the corals we sometimes find Pacific golden sea horses and frogfish. 

Giant turtle in the Galapagos Island opening its mouth


PM - Santa Cruz Highlands

After lunch, we disembark and head for a reserve in the Santa Cruz Highlands. Here, we have the unique opportunity to witness the iconic Galapagos Tortoise in its natural habitat. Walking through the lush vegetation, we might even spot some of the other residents of the highlands, like the elusive Galapagos Rail or the bright Vermilion Flycatcher. 

Galapagos Shark Diving - Eagle Ray in the Galapagos Islands

Day 8 - TUESDAY: Baltra Airport

AM - Santa Cruz

The 8-day dive liveaboard adventure is coming to an end. Assisted by the dive guides and some crew members, the dinghy will bring you and your luggage to Baltra, where we will take the airport shuttle. Your guide will accompany you to the check-in counters in the departure hall. 

This is certainly one adventure that will change your lives and you will remember forever... until you return perhaps?