Galapagos Liveaboard - Itineraries

Find here the different itineraries of our Galapagos Dive Liveaboards and detailed information about each dive site we are visiting. For any questions just write us a message

8 day itinerary map
special 15 day itinerary map

8-day Galapagos Liveaboard Itinerary

Galapagos Shark Diving - 8 day Itinerary


Morning: Santa Cruz - Baltra Airport

Afternoon: Santa Cruz - Baltra Island (1 check dive)


Morning: Cape Marshall (2 dives)

Afternoon: City of Mantas (1 dive)


Morning: Darwin's Arch (2 dives)

Afternoon: Darwin's Arch (2 dives)


Morning: Darwin's Arch (2 dives)

Afternoon: Wolf Island (2 dives)


Morning: Wolf Island (2 dives)

Afternoon: Wolf Island (1 dive)


Morning: Punta Vicente Roca (1 dive)

Afternoon: Cape Douglas (1 dive)


Morning: Cousin's Rock (2 dives)

Afternoon: Santa Cruz - Highlands with giant tortoises (land excursion)


Morning: Baltra Airport depart or continue with land extension

Find a detailed description of the 8 day itinerary and each dive site we are visiting HERE!


Available dates 8-day itinerary

Dates in 2025:

  • 22 - 29 July 2025
  • 12 - 19 August 2025

Dates in 2026:

  • 21 - 28 July 2026
  • 28 July - 04 August 2026
  • 01 - 08 September 2026

Special 15-day Galapagos Liveaboard Itinerary

The special 15-day Galapagos Liveaboard is unique in the Galapagos Islands. Combine the TOP dive spots with the MUST-DO land visits in the archipelago! Get the most out of your time on the islands and visit the remote areas above and below the surface! Every week dive & water conditions change on the Islands. With a 15 day / 14 night liveaboard dive experience you will double your chance to see the big wildlife you are coming for - hundreds of hammerhead sharks, whale sharks, marine iguanas, sunfish - and so much more! 

Galapagos Shark Diving - Special 15 day Itinerary

This Special 15 day itinerary still requires the approval of the national park. This approval takes place in March of the respective year and is intended to ensure that only a certain number of guests are in one place on one day. The travel route can therefore be subject to minor changes.


Morning: Santa Cruz - Baltra Airport

Afternoon: Baltra (1 check dive) & North Seymour (land vistit)


Morning: Pizon & Roca Blanca (2 dives)

Afternoon: Sombrero Chino (land visit)


Morning: Cape Marshall (2 dives)

Afternoon: City of Mantas (1 dive)


Morning: Wolf Island (2 dives)

Afternoon: Wolf Island (2 dives, including night dive)


Morning: Wolf Island (2 dives)

Afternoon: Darwin's Arch (1-2 dives)


Morning: Darwin's Arch (2 dives)

Afternoon: Darwin's Arch (1-2 dives)


Morning: Darwin's Arch (2 dives)

Afternoon: Darwin's Arch (1-2 dives)


Morning: Darwin's Arch (2 dives)

Afternoon: Darwin's Arch (1-2 dives)


Morning: Darwin's Arch (2 dives)

Afternoon: Darwin's Arch (1-2 dives)


Morning: Wolf Island (2 dives)

Afternoon: Wolf Island (1 dive)


Morning: Roca Redonda (2 dives)

Afternoon: Punte Vicente Roca (1-2 dives)


Morning: Punte Vicente Roca (2 dives)

Afternoon: Land excursion to Punta Espinoza on Fernandina Island


Morning: Land visit to Tagus Cove

Afternoon: Cape Douglas (2 dives)


Morning: Cousin's Rock (1 dive) & land visit Bartolome

Afternoon: Santa Cruz - land excursion to the Highlands with Giant tortoises


Morning: Baltra Airport depart or continue with land extension

Available dates - Special 15-day itinerary

Dates in 2025:

  • 29 July - 12 Aug 2025 

Dates in 2026:

  • 04 - 18 Aug 2026